
Carthusia Profumi

Carthusia I Profumi di Capri


.... recounts that in 1380, the father prior of the Carthusian Monastery of St. James, caught unawares by the news of the arrival of Queen Joan of Anjou on Capri, picked a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers of the island; these remained in the same water for three days and, as he went to throw them away, the prior noticed that it had acquired a mysterious fragrance unknown to him. So he turned to the friar versed in alchemy, who traced the origin of the scent to the "Garofilium Silvestre Caprese".

All Carthusia fragrances have a hidden yet indivisible bond with Capri. The feelings and moods inherent in Carthusia products are the result of zealous and professional research into components derived exclusively from Capri's environment. These ingredients meet, mix and match in the Carthusia laboratories, producing unique harmonies of scents that beget perfumes as exceptional as the island from which they come.

All Prices are in Canadian Dollars





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